Instructions for use (Oil):
Stigma CBD Oil is designed to be used as a sublingual tincture. Take a half dropper full or more and hold under your tongue for 30 seconds to a minute before swallowing. If preferred, the tincture can be immediately swallowed—a higher dosage is suggested if taken in this method.
To achieve maximum results, it is suggested that the chosen dosage is taken once or twice daily and with consistency.
Instructions for use (Gummies):
Stigma CBD gummies are designed for long lasting and saturating effect. Take one (10mg) or more gummies with each meal of the day. As the gummies and your food break down progressively throughout the day, the CBD will slowly be released into your bloodstream.
Instructions for use (Gel Caps):
Stigma Gel Caps are extra strength (25mg) and designed to be rapidly absorbed and released into the bloodstream for a concentrated effect.