CBD & Golfing
Some choice information regarding CBD's usefulness out on the links by Golf Digest, in a balanced and well-written piece entitled, "Is CBD Golf's Magic Potion?". Be sure to check out…
Some choice information regarding CBD's usefulness out on the links by Golf Digest, in a balanced and well-written piece entitled, "Is CBD Golf's Magic Potion?". Be sure to check out…
https://cannabisnow.com/cbg/ Stigma Hemp Co.'s resident cannabis expert Timothy Anderson, writing for Cannabis Now Magazine, explores CBG-- the 'mother' cannabinoid to both CBD and THC.
https://cannabisnow.com/the-fda-could-decide-today-if-cbd-in-your-food-is-legal-but-probably-wont/ Our allies at Cannabis Now Magazine give a current update on the FDA's re-evaluation of hemp based supplements such as those made by us here at Stigma Hemp Co.…